Storyboard Project


Multimedia Storyboarding: Going Beyond "CliffsNotes"



Team Members: Bianca Nickols, Christopher Meltzer, Shaane Syed, Jenna Frazier, Raymond Weyls

Storyboard Team



Project Mission Statement:


Storyboard using iWeb:


Example of Storyboard Project (using Dreamweaver):




Literary Work:


"Indian Camp" by Ernest Hemingway:

This is a story about a young Nick Adams traveling across river with his father Dr. Adams who has been summoned to help a young Indian deliver her child. Nick witnesses his father performing a cesarean with a fishing knife on the woman using no medication. Following this painful ordeal, Nick and his father find the woman's husband dead in the bunk above because "he couldn't stand things" and eventually slit his own throat. Throughout the story, Nick is struggling with many issues such as life, death, suffering, endurance, and their relation to perceived masculinity.



Considering the fluidity and graphic imagery Hemingway maintains throughout "Indian Camp", a story board would be an ideal representation of concepts and ideas that readers wouldn't have necessarily known without extensive research from outside sources. Using the application Dreamweaver, we would be able to make a storyboard representation of different scenes from "Indian Camp" and use each of the images as links connecting to in-dept text analysis and research from other sources.




Research topics might include representations of different themes, stories from Hemingway's childhood, and subjects of racism/sexism, just to name a few. Ultimately all the research will lead back to the life of Nick, and hopefully to that of Hemingway.







Link to Storyboard:





Tapor Word Analysis Tools: