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Interpretive Essays

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 11 months ago

[Create a listing below for your research report, then link the listing to a new page that you create using the Interpretive Essay Template.


To create your interpretive essay page, follow these steps:

  • Click on the tab at the top for "New Page."
  • Name the page Research Report by Your Name, then choose the "Interpretive Essay Template" as the page template.
  • The template includes formatting and instructions.



English 149 Interpretive Essays

(in alphabetical order by author)


One of the final assignments for students in this course is to write an essay after completing their team project that provides an interpretation of the literary work their project is based upon, though the notion of interpretation may be stretched to include analytical, contextual, methodological, aesthetic, and/or technical paradigms that exceed the normal scope of literary interpretation.


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