Heart of Darkness Project

The Corporation / Heart of Darkness Project


Team Members: Jonathan Pelleg, Jonathan Svilar, Jeremy Cowan


Summary of the Heart of Darkness Project:

    The primary goal of the Heart of Darkness Project (found here) was to create a functional model of a modern corporate web space while simultaneously preserving the nature of the company formed within the novel. This goal was achieved by researching numerous corporate web styles so that the project might more accurately capture what they represent. TaPor was also used in conjunction with the web-design process with the intention of isolating the motifs of the text so that they may be transplanted from the medium of the novella to the more aesthetically dependent hyper reality of the internet. In adapting such an ancient text for such a new medium we had hoped that new interpretations of the text would appear that would have been impossible to find had the text been wholly confined to print.


Design Stages:


Aesthetics of the Website:

    After making the general decisions regarding the focus of the Heart of Darkness Project, the creators needed to first create an aesthetically pleasing and meaningful template that would be used throughout the site. The team analyzed the text of Heart of Darkness using a web-based text collocation software (TaPor) to gather influential data that evolved into the color scheme of the general website. The Project Team gathered information on several important model websites used in today's modern business which would influence the overall look of the site as well as the series of navigational links and content of the pages that they lead to.  As it turns out, the colors used in heart of darkness most frequently are (in order of times used): white, black, blue, red.  These colors have all been incorporated into the site.


Defining the Different Pages of the Site:

    To be able to convincingly create a site that would emulate the aesthetic of an actual corporate website it became a necessity for the group to research how corporate websites are designed. The Project Team looked at several corporate websites and analyzed their design so as to understand the conventions that are commonly used by corporate websites. Incidently, the Project Team also researched the aesthetic of websites that protest corporate culture in the hopes that, if nothing else, in presenting a counterpoint to the corporate websites these websites may detail ways to attack corporations through their websites.  The team decided on a handful of conventional corporate web page features, and set about writing them.



    The Project Team decided upon the different links that would be created for the website's homepage, then broke up to generate the content of each page individually:

The content generated was placed within the template of the website hosted on Jonathan Pelleg's personal university web space and was carefully edited by all members of the project team.


Re-evaluation of the Project:

After the creation of the individual webpage the group consolidated and re-evaluated the pages until they were deemed to be as satisfactory as they could be made within the time constraints of the project. While not perfect, the imperfections that were left do not detract enough from the website so as to undermine its strengths as an adaption of Heart of Darkness.  Frankly put, the Project Team did as good a job as a bunch of inexperienced English majors could in the cyber, corporate world.  If given more time, the web site would be more professional, have more content, and a number of other tiny details would be finely polished.


Interpretive Essays:

Jonathan Pelleg, "The Power of Greed, Business, and Seduction in Heart of Darkness"

Jeremy Cowan, "The Adapted Model of Heart of Darkness"

Jonathan Svilar, "Modeling and Adaptation: Heart of Darkness as a Corporate Website" 


Page Explanations:

Jonathan Pelleg Page explanations:



Jeremy Cowan Page explanations: 



Jonathan Svilar Page explanations:


Summary of Heart of Darkness:



The main action of Heart of Darkness is a story vicariously experienced by the narrator through the storytelling of his friend Marlow. Marlow gets a job with the Belgian Company (whose main concern is Ivory trade in the Congo) as a steamboat captain because one of the company’s former captains was killed by natives while traveling up the Congo River. When Marlow gets to Africa he finds many of the Company’s various stations in disrepair and hears about an elusive man named Kurtz who gathers and ships more ivory than all of the rest of the companies agents put together. Marlow is asked to pass along a message to Kurtz by the company’s accountant. As Marlow travels along his interest in Kurtz becomes more intense and the disarray of the company’s assets in the jungle becomes more apparent: the steamer that Marlow is supposed to captain was sunk by the general manager of the central station. Eventually, the boat is fixed; Marlow travels up river where he finally encounters Kurtz, who has established a regime where the natives treat him as a God. Kurtz gets sick and finally dies on Marlow’s boat.

                The duality in the nature of the company (i.e.: the fact that the company seemed very legitimate in its native country, yet so out of control and dangerous in the field) is what sparked our group’s imagination. It is this duality that led us to equate them with some of the shadier types of modern businesses: like Enron (and every other oil business for that matter), Wal-mart, and diamond businesses which further lead us to want to explore some resources that we could use to contextualize the company in the modern age.

Heart of Darkness project team 

Potential Projects:


The Corporation Web Site:


   Design of the website:




The Heart of Darkness Ride: