
Collaboration Page

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

Tools on this page are intended to support collaboration between students and teams in the class.


Voice Chat


yackpack errorPlugin error: That plugin is not available. Allows 1-20 users on the wiki to talk together through live voice. (Push button while talking.)


Second Life (UCSB Lane campus)


UCSB Lane Second Life space

UCSB students are welcome to hold team meetings in the UCSB English Department's Second Life campus:


  1. Follow the invitation on this Web page to "teleport" to the UCSB Lane location.  (If you do not already have a Second Life avatar, follow the link on the page to "sign up" for a free account; requires installing the Second Life program on your computer.)
  2. Or, if you already have a Second Life account and the program installed on your computer, go directly to UCSB Lane by clicking on the following Slurl, which will open the Second Life program with your avatar at the proper location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Kerlingarfjoll/179/245/46
  3. Note that Second Life users can now talk to each other in-world either through typing or through live voice.

Building an object in the sandboxUCSB sandbox where students can build objectsA special "sandbox" is set aside on the UCSB Lane campus where students have the permissions needed to experiment with building objects. (Locate the sandbox on the property as illustrated in the screenshots here.)



Shared Calendar (schedule team meetings, etc.)


Click here to view your 30 Boxes calendar



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